Carpal tunnel syndrome

The nerves that run from the neck to the hands and fingers can become compressed at various places along their route. This can cause altered sensation, strength and movement. The hand surgeons and hand therapists at London HAND clinic regularly assess and treat these conditions.

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve becomes compressed as it passes through the palm at the wrist. The symptoms include:

  • Waking at night with tingling and numbness in the thumb, index and middle fingers
  • Increased swelling in the hand
  • Aggravation of symptoms with increased hand use
  • Reduced pinch grip strength
  • Difficultly with fine tasks

Mild carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated with splints or corticosteroid infections. More severe carpal tunnel syndrome may require surgery. All of these treatments are available at London HAND clinic.

For further information about carpal tunnel syndrome from the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, please follow the link below:

Other peripheral nerve problems commonly seen at London HAND clinic:

  • Guyon's canal syndrome / handlebar palsy (compression of the ulnar nerve at Guyon's canal in the hand/wrist)
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome (compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow)
  • Radial nerve palsy (compression of the radial nerve in the upper arm)
  • Traumatic nerve injury